Weiner's mother-in-law a member of Muslim Brotherhood http://bit.ly/mx4gBp
Cash-Strapped Al Qaeda Turns to Kidnapping and Ransoms to Pay Operational Costs - FoxNews.com http://fxn.ws/m3gVuX
slkbrooke NBC Apologizes for Omitting ‘Under God,’ 'Indivisible’ in Pledge ~ CNSNews http://bit.ly/meypMK
Australia: Muslim - "Democracy is evil, the parliament is evil and legislation is evil" - Jihad Watch http://bit.ly/kpEpPh
John McCain Claims Illegal Immigrants Started Wildfires - ABC News http://abcn.ws/iu5qBO
slkbrooke National security experts blast Eric Holder's claim that lawyers are America’s ‘most effective terror-fighting weapon’ http://bit.ly/itwOSB