'If Assad falls, Hezbollah
will take Beirut' http://bit.ly/ub5K5B
Hezbollah, Iran uncover CIA
informants | Reuters http://reut.rs/vNKw2q
In latest Egyptian
revolution, Tahrir Square has a grittier, more violent nature - The Washington
Post http://wapo.st/sJoCxL
Tantawi: Presidential
elections next June, Muslim Brothers in government http://debka.com/article/21506/
Turkish prime minister tells
Syria's president to step down or risk tragic end - CNN.com http://bit.ly/tPP995
Reza_Kahlili White House
Review Threatens Counter-Terrorism Operations http://bit.ly/vR27CW @AP @WSJ @NewsHour
@WhiteHouseBlog @congressorg #iranelection
Pakistan's U.S. envoy
resigns on memo scandal – USATODAY.com usat.ly/uyw55c