U.S. Military: Somali Pirates Expanding Their Range - Washington Wire - WSJ http://on.wsj.com/ea4H4N
Somali govt must respect August end of mandate: UN | Reuters http://bit.ly/eLwxqM
Mikati says he is 'consensus' candidate - World Report - World - Dalje.com http://bit.ly/dQbSVN
The No-Fly List: FBI Says It's Smaller Than You Think : NPR http://n.pr/hKTd58
Former CIA officer accused of leaking secrets wins pretrial releasehttp://edition.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/01/25/virginia.cia.officer/
Afghan Christian given one week to renounce Christianity http://www.persecution.org/prisonerfocus/2011/01/26/shoaib/
Secret Service Training Enhanced By 3D Gaming Tech -- Training -- InformationWeek http://bit.ly/gPGA8Z
Obama backs Seoul and demands North Korea give up nukes http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE70K0RD20110126
What is the best plan? http://bible.org/article/gods-plan-salvation
PrimorisEra Obama Team Eyes Saudi Nuclear Trade Deal Without Nonproliferation Terms http://bit.ly/eJPWaQ // #news #defnese #armscontrol #MiddleEast
Twitter Says Access to Service in Egypt Is Blocked - Businessweek http://bit.ly/h8jysV
ChristianPost Nepal Christians Fight for Burial Rights http://bit.ly/hAVi8d
Gaddafi fears foreign meddling in Tunisia turmoil http://af.reuters.com/article/topNews/idAFJOE70P00S20110126
IMF: Europe poses the key risk to global economy http://wapo.st/eQY5ib - Political Economy