Feinstein complains to Panetta about intelligence gaps on Arab revolutions | The Cable http://bit.ly/dL3gOH
OPEC mulls boosting output, Iran sees no need | Reuters http://reut.rs/fMH0nc
In Egypt's Tahrir Square, women attacked at rally on International Women's Day - CSMonitor.com http://bit.ly/ftB0UM
First Saudi Day of Rage flops, protesters to try again Friday http://www.debka.com/article/20737/
US stresses right to protest in Saudi Arabia - FOCUS Information Agency http://bit.ly/gMP7is
Kuwait protesters swell in number, call for PM change | Reuters http://bit.ly/fZ3V6A
AFP: Reshuffle fails to quell Omani protests http://bit.ly/efskV3
AFP: 12 rights groups in Syria demand end to emergency http://bit.ly/e2UH4a
AFP: Yemen police open fire on protesters wounding four http://bit.ly/dXXGTn