Uruguay officially recognizes Palestinian state http://bit.ly/g6qA1i
Arms ship docks in Ashdod; IDF to display contents http://bit.ly/fuFyct
Israeli flight attendants turn diplomats - Israel News, Ynetnews http://bit.ly/fjvWX0
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Won't Run for Re-Election - FoxNews.com http://fxn.ws/f6Xzbb
TroubledDays RT @JerusalemMedia Hamas: Israeli warplanes bomb Gaza security target - http://bit.ly/hesFHz #Palestine
REMEMBERING GILAD SHALIT « Joel C. Rosenberg's Blog http://bit.ly/gVmRDI
Natural gas from Egypt to Israel resumes | Reuters http://bit.ly/gq77j4
Israel Expects 200,000 Ukrainian Tourists a Year http://bit.ly/hqJNGv