Essential Reading to Understand The Headlines


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

National Security is Israel's Priority

Once the people of Israel perceives a leader or an institution is endangering the the national security of the country, the people's backlash is soon to follow. After the news report of the Haaretz news media getting secret documents from a spy within the military, subscribers are now cancelling their accounts with the news media.

Market sources believe that hundreds of people have cancelled their subscriptions for Hebrew daily "Haaretz" in the wake of the Anat Kam spy case and the involvement of "Haaretz" correspondent Uri Blau.
Source: Globes Online

For a people that has gone through the holocaust, constant wars with its neighbors in the Middle East, keeping its focus on its national security is the key to survival. While other countries are usually distracted or even fascinated by the scandals, controversies or intrigues that usually follows such kinds of stories, for those in Israel, their safety is the uttermost concern and cannot be seen as a form of amusement.