VOA | Iranian President Proposes Further Nuclear Talks http://bit.ly/fAODIa
Germany's Merkel warns Iran on further sanctions http://af.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idAFTRE70N62N20110124
Iran's president attacks rivals, parliament over trying to curb powers on central bank posts http://bit.ly/id3Zm5 - The Canadian Pres
AFP: Iran hangs two activists held in 2009 election demos http://bit.ly/i8jYdL
Iran bars Tehran mayor from U.S. transport ceremony http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE70L16X20110122
AFP: Iran offers energy projects to Turkey http://bit.ly/erbb3v
Iran Stops Making Gasoline in Petrochemical Plants - Bloomberg http://bloom.bg/eUD06Z