Gorbachev Warns of Egypt-Style Russian Revolt - WSJ.com http://on.wsj.com/fL2dBG
RLSRUSSIANNEWS Monday's blast in Russia's Dagestan equal to 50kg TNT - police http://goo.gl/fb/KurWh
sonaliranade Russian foreign minister criticises the West for supporting Arab protests http://bit.ly/fC7IiN
Russia's Muslim Chechnya asks UAE to invest $2.3 bln http://af.reuters.com/article/energyOilNews/idAFLDE71F0J820110216
Russia and Italy: Important steps toward common defense and stability http://en.rian.ru/valdai_op/20110216/162634354.html
Belarus asks Russia for $9bn loan to build nuclear power plant | http://bit.ly/dGlzhv
Russia won’t close Burgas-Alexandroupolis project http://english.ruvr.ru/2011/02/16/44721465.html