U.S. Calls Radiation ‘Extremely High,’ Sees Japan Nuclear Crisis Worsening - NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/fbd1Yo
U.S. Flights Over Plant Gather Crucial Data - NYTimes.com http://nyti.ms/hiilov
China asks Japan for timely, precise nuclear info | World news | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle http://bit.ly/dYug9T
ARE WE LISTENING? God is trying to get our attention through the traumas in Japan & the Mideast « Joel C. Rosenberg http://bit.ly/gKrIyi
Japan Turns to Desperate Measures to Cool Nuclear Reactors | VOA http://bit.ly/e8sdoK
Japanese Officials at Odds If Water Dumps Helped Crippled Nuclear Plant - FoxNews.com http://fxn.ws/gDHqN8